Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Message

Thanksgiving Message
 November 27, 2013

One of my favorite family traditions is Thanksgiving. My memories as a young boy was when “over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go” was a reality. We had the horses and the sled and I’ve experienced the trek to grandmother’s house in that fashion. Fond memories of those days accompanied our family and friends getting together for those festive occasions.

I guess that I have prepared this short note to all of my family and friends tonight (the night before the BIG day). Could I just feel anew those feelings of years gone by? My mind is full and running over with gratitude. I give thanks to God for the past year. My choice blessings include each of you within my large circle of friends and family. 
Tomorrow I wish for you as you gather around your kitchen table a time of peace, a time of love for all those who gather with you. May it be a time that sadness can be dismissed for a moment, and all your thoughts can be directed to our God who made this possible. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!