Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking
January 31, 2013

Many years ago as a young man I read Norman Vincent Peale’s book, The Power of Positive Thinking.

Now my background of being a poor farm boy and being nurtured by parents who had never had the opportunity to look up beyond the horizon, found me on a plain of disassociation. I found it hard to sign on with what Norman was teaching, I was very limited.

One of my favorite pass times was to make excuses for our poverty and spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself. I was given the impression that the rich folks became rich through their dishonest business dealings or they inherited their wealth.
It was hard for me to believe that just by thinking success you could trigger the mind to create a successful avenue to achieve success. I had no idea that a negative approach to an idea would actually produce a negative outcome.
Thanks to time and natural evolution of life beating up on me I was eventually driven to a mind change.
Things are better now. My thinking has made great strides of improvement. I now consider myself to be a product of positive self, development. It’s a process that should never end.
I appreciate the insight of those great authors who had the vision and the perseverance to gain the knowledge of success principals and then write the down for our good. These great books of THINK and grow rich, The Power of Positive THINKING, and The Magic of THINKING Big all has the word THINK in them.
THINKING must have a lot to do with success and a happy life.
I hope my thought of the day will help someone who may have come from similar backgrounds as myself. You can have what you think about, either way, negative or positive. Naturally it’s best to choose positive. 
Love You
Taylor Thayne

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