Wednesday, October 2, 2013

America the Beautiful

America the Beautiful
October 2, 2013

My favorite song! My memories as a child in elementary school have provided me with good feelings of pride and love of my country. I remember each morning the first order of business was to stand beside our desks with our hand over our hearts, looking toward our beautiful flag standing in the corner, pledging allegiance to our flag and our country.

How grateful I am for those days! To this day, my heart leaps in my bosom with pride when I see our American flag. That little two room school house is the root of so many fond memories. I wish that every young child would be given experiences such as that.
I have driven across America the beautiful many times and my excitement never wanes. From the high mountain tops to the expansion plains, I am overwhelmed with the breathtaking beauty.  ”America, America, God shed his grace on thee.”
From my humble childhood, I continue to hang on to these jewels of the past. The message and the greatness of America will not be lost as long as good men will stand up for the principles that established America. I lose my patience with society when our flag and our constitution is trampled upon. Please people, can’t we get back to the basics? Why do I have to see on facebook ads that state, “If you think children should recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag..tap like.” In my mind, this is a must. Children need to know the story of America and it’s people.
America has had it’s struggles and it’s darkest hours have been overcome with the blood of many good men and women. The gratitude must be shared with the youth. How can anyone have a firm foundation that’s needed to be a good citizen of this great country, without feeling the love and respect of where we came from? You get those feelings from good teachers planting the seed of gratitude into the fertile minds and hearts of our children.

I love America and I’m concerned that enemies of our way of life are entering in and subverting the principles our country was founded upon. We can’t let this happen. We lose our liberties and identities by good men standing by and allowing bad things to happen.The process shouldn’t be that difficult. We just need to get back to the basics. If patriotism could be planted in the hearts of children in my day, I see no reason why it can’t be a part of the curriculum today.
“…And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea”.

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