Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Autumn is Such a Special Time of Year
October 30, 2013

Fall is my favorite time of year
The hot summer temperatures give way to a touch of frost, just enough to turn the leaves gold, orange, red and brown. The sun reflecting off from the shimmering colors are amazing. I could sit for hours in a trance taking in the beauty of the season.

This is also a very busy time. So much has to be completed on a farm before the snow comes. It’s such a relief to haul the last load of hay from the field to the stackyard. The animals seem happy to be released from their summer pastures to clean up the hay fields. 
Fall is also a time to sell some of the produce and get a little payback from the long hours of labor and expence. It seems there is never quite enough money to go around. Getting paid once each year requires a lot of self control. One would like to go spend some money and celebrate, but it is wise to just catch up on the bills and budget for the coming year. We find ourselves wondering,”Why do we do this?” I guess it must be the quiet, pleasant time in the fall with the beauty of the trees that keep us hanging on for another year. God bless the farmers. They are such an unusual group.
I hope you have caught the feeling of this special time of year and the special people who put food on our tables. I’ve always been a farmer/rancher at heart. I spent my life working  in the construction field. After these many years, my dreams have come true. I have returned to my roots…I don’t know why. Maybe it is the magic of fall.

I enjoy writing stories of my life. It has renewed many memories and awakened me to a talent that I truly enjoy! You too can blog about what you love.

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