Friday, January 10, 2014

My Challenge of Becoming Computer Literate

My Challenge of Becoming Computer Literate
January 10, 2014

Seventy-four years of maneuvering through life trying to overcome the obstacles of everyday, has been nothing compared to understanding the computer. My children have adapted to computers as naturally as breathing in and breathing out.
My first personal experience with computers happened at age 73. I had managed to steer clear of them. They were beyond my power of comprehension. In fact, I feared them. 

I was so impressed with smart phones and their tremendous technology that I accepted the challenge and dove in. I am amazed at the amount of information that I didn’t know. Slowly and steadily I am peeling back the layers of understanding. Each layer I remove brings me to the stark realization of the vast space of unknowns that lay ahead. I’m only encouraged to keep pushing forward by looking back and seeing how far I have come.
I’m rewarded for my efforts by the many friends that I’ve encountered. I never cease to be amazed that I can blog and that my stories are shared across the world. Many people seem to like my stories and some say they are inspired by my life’s experiences. Some have encouraged me to never quit writing. Imagine that!!
Even with the many struggles, I’m so happy I made the decison to embark upon the journey. I have found such personal growth and appreciation for life itself. I realize that I have a long way to go and I am excited to uncover the layers of understanding. I just can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner.
My new found knowledge has enabled me to create an income that comes in handy and allows me to enjoy time at home with my good wife. For too many years, we have been separated from one another much of the time because my employment has taken me many miles from home.
I have many friends who haved said that they would like to do something different with their lives, but worry that they wouldn’t be able to learn new technology.
May you rest assured that if I can do it, you can do it!

My mission is to help you get some time to spend with your family. There’s more to life than work, work, work.

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