Monday, December 30, 2013

Proud to be an American
December 30,2013 

I live in a small, out of the way piece of America. The landscape is unique compared with the more populated areas. Everything pretty much looks the same now as it did when I was a child. Our roads and the farm irrigation systems have been upgraded, but everything else remains the same.
Our neighbors remain kind and helpful. The parents from the past have taught their children well. You can count on them to look after one another. We feel safe and content. I’m sure most of the community still leave their keys inside their cars at night. Not many even bother to lock their doors at home.
We hear that times are changing in town. They feel a need to take their keys with them and bolt their doors. They are no longer comfortable with the changes in their town.
It saddens me to watch the decay of America. It seems to me that the freedoms and the values that our young men in the service of their country, who have given life and limb to defend our liberty, are being trampled on by those who have lost sight of the good way. Distrust and greed are creeping in ever so slowly to every corner of our land that we love. 

It pains me to watch as crime and disrespect for people and property edge even closer like a fog in the night. I have no tolerance for the idea that a lie is not a lie if it comes from the mouth of a politician. I am disgusted at the idea that the government  feels that they can take the income from the worker and give it to the idler.
My community takes care of those who fall on hard times. We feel that it is our responsibility to share in the bad times as well as the good times. We do that without the interference of the government. We have been taught from our youth to love and respect one another.
I find myself standing with my back toward what use to be, and facing the onslaught of what is coming. My heart tells me this is where I must take my stand for rights and liberty guaranteed by the constitution.

I plead with Americans, “Wake up! Let’s stand fast for the way of life that has given us peace of mind of being able to awaken each morning, knowing we are surrounded by good neighbors who care for one another… people who care for their neighbor’s survival as much as their own.”
May God help us to be wise in our decisions and active in preserving our way of life. Please support those good, courageous individuals who are fighting for our liberty. We can’t stand by any longer as a silent majority.

My friends, I am guilty of not speaking out as often as I should. Many of my dear friends are quiet and peace loving, but if we are to enjoy our way of life in the future, we must protect it now.
I’m asking for a call to action. It’s important that we keep informed about the action and activities that are going on around us. We need to know and understand every law that is being passed. We need to know that we are being bombarded with restrictions that take away our liberty. Our liberties are God given and are not to be altered by man. Freedom of choice is important enough to fight for. I fear any other way of life.
It’s time for a call to action and with a tender heart and love of all mankind, I issue this call.
I love you and find it an honor to stand beside you.
Please let your voice be heard and comment and share this post if you agree. 

All my best,


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